
Sportsman TrainingSmart Cities, Sports Venues, Festivals and Conferences

Loss of Brand impression

​Assuming that 10% of the fans lose their battery life and miss one social media post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, & Snapchat averaging 200 friends or followers who share with 10 of their friend or followers equals 12,000,000 brand impressions per lost social media post. Bottom line, 10’s of millions of impression both during the game and after are lost forever.
But most fans won’t stand around to charge their smart device and miss the action. Research shows charging stations are used for emergencies more than any other reason and not the solution to battery life.

Power Up Fan Engagement

Add Millions of new brand impressions at your event with this simple handheld device. Use as a premium give-a-way, retail product or vending kiosk at any event for unbelievable results. Activate in-house trigger points you don’t even know you have!